Come back soon – this area is under development
Currently Keep Safe is under review and this page will get updated to reflect that.
What is the Keep Safe Scheme?
Keep Safe is Police Scotland led, award-winning initiative.
Anyone who needs assistance can enter a Keep Safe place and the Staff within can offer help. This could be a Café, Shop or Library for example. All Keep Safe venues have a Keep Safe logo Sticker either on their front door or window.
How does it work?

- Anyone who needs help can get a Keep Safe Card
- The card has the person’s personal details on it which they complete on a short form.
- The individual can then carry the card with them
- If they need help for any reason, such as, they had a fall, they need to sit down for 5 minutes, they feel unsafe or they would like someone to call a contact for them, then they would go into a participating venue who would be able to help them.
You can download the Keep Safe Form, print it and fill it out. Then use it as soon as needed. If you would like help to fill out the form, you can come into our office at Centre for Inclusive Living Perth and Kinross. We will help you fill it out so you can use it.
Keep Safe Scotland App
Designed by and developed with disabled people, the App enables the user to map out all Keep Safe places, plan routes in advance and find their nearest Keep Safe place.
The App also enables people to report hate crime to the Police through the App.
Download free from iOS and Android – KEEP SAFE SCOTLAND APP

How to become a Keep Safe place
- All Keep Safe places must have a minimum of 2 staff members.
- Email us at for a criteria form.
- Fill out the criteria form for your business and scan/email it back to us or post it back to us.
- When returned, we send this to our local contact within Police Scotland for your area.
- The Police will carry out suitability checks
- If approved by Police Scotland, free training would be arranged for your business.
- Once trained, stickers go up in the windows of the premises to signify that it is a Keep Safe place.
- A business pack is left for staff to ensure that all staff members are aware of the Keep Safe Scheme.
- The premises are advertised on the Keep Safe Scotland App, on the I Am Me Scotland website and the Centre for Inclusive Living Perth and Kinross. We will also send a note to Police Scotland’s control centre so that they can include the premises on call handler’s information systems.
If you would like to know more about keep Safe you can visit the I Am Me Scotland Website